Justin Bereczki

JUSTIN BERECZKI runs Canada Whips and Whip 101, and has been a champion of the whip community for at least the last five years. Justin's whip cracking tutorials on Youtube are the best quality ones we have, he takes time to edit them and to explain things in great detail. His website, canadawhips.ca, is a great resource for learning about whip cracking. It has all of the information a beginner would need to know. Justin also runs Whip 101, an awesome Facebook group that has literally thousands of members and routinely inspires people to learn whip cracking and try new things. He has involved many different community members in the initiative and is always the first person to respond whenever a beginner has a question. Everything Justin does online is to promote and grow the whip community, and without him I think there would be a lot less engagement. He is also just a great whip cracker and has invented lots of different moves and routines." (Richard Friesen)

Nick Schrader

NICK SCHRADER runs NicksWhipShop and has been producing the highest quality whip making tutorials for more than a decade. By making these videos he has inspired an entirely new generation of whip makers and has made whip cracking much more accessible than it ever was. Whips are very expensive and the resources Nick has created have allowed many people to learn to make their own whips which has dramatically reduced the cost of entry into the whip community. His videos are all incredibly well filmed, edited, and produced, and his youtube channel is arguably the best resource on the web for learning to make whips." (Richard Friesen)

Martin Stulla

MARTIN STULLA does a lot of things for whippersnappers, not only in the Czech Republic:

    "He is mainly interested in the history of whip cracking and has a website about it. He gradually adds information from all over the world, and writes articles for various magazines. He is in contact with a number of whippersnappers from all over the world, from whom he gathers information. He devotes all his free time to it. His site is www.historiepraskanibicem.cz." (Jirka Sluka)

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