
Hall of Fame
     These are men and women who have striven to popularize whips, educate the public, and set standards of excellence for whipmaking, wjhich furthers whip cracking as a sport, a performing art, a martial art, a working person's skill, and a recreational hobby in our world today.
     We honor them for being vitally important co-creators of the Bullwhip Experience.
Sy Davey
Peter Townsend
Russell Schultz
Joe Wheeler
Joe Strain

George "Gabby" Hayes

Sy Davey

     The whip maker's whip maker, this gentleman has taught some of the world's finest whip makers their craft. His own whips are legendary.

Russell Schultz

     Russel Schultz: Whipmaker with over 30 years experience specialising in kangaroo hide whips. Canberra, Australia. 
Joe Strain

  Taught his craft by David Morgan, Joe Strain's whips have been featured in many TV shows and feature films. The quality f his work is outstanding.

Peter Townsend
Joe Wheeler


David Morgan

     Whipmaker Giovanni Celeste rightly described David Morgan as  "the man who helped create the pop Icon which has become synonymous with archeology and adventure: The Indiana Jones Bullwhip."
     David Morgan has inspired generations to take up whipcracking through the quality of the bullwhips he made for the Indiana Jones movies. But more than that, he passed on his invaluable knowledge in many books and in person to others, who,  in their turn, have generously taught others the nuances of the whipmaker's science, craft, and art.
     You can find out more about David Morgan in Giovanni Celeste's documentary "Lord of the Whip: David W. Morgan," which you can see in the Bullwhip Museum.
     David Morgan Whips is at http://www.davidmorgan.com

Peter Jack 

    " I met Peter ("The Whip Man") Jack at a Wild West conference in Las Vegas many years ago. He'd come all the way from New Zealand, and he'd struck me as an approachable, affable,alert man with a high good humor and a faraway gaze. And boy, did he know his whips!
    " My Spidey Sense tingled, telling me that this man was an Artist. 
     "His video a few years later was eye-opening. I've followed his career, and no where in the world did I meet anyone who did not know about him or his whips, always in positive terms. 
     "The quality of his work has never faltered, even when we making inexpensive learner stockwhipps. He seemed to defy physics when he created the Zenith Whip, with the large square swirl of knots in the transition that was the smoothest and most powerful whip I've  ever cracked, with the least amount of effort. He promoted the martial arts use of whips in the Latigo y Daga school. And he has generously shared his wealth of knowledge and experience with the bullwhip artists, whipmakers, and whip teachers of tomorrow."
     - R Dante -
          Peter Jack's website is at http://www.thewhipman.co.nz/.


Sharron Taylor

   Sharron Taylor of SKT Saddlery is recognized as an exemplar of Australian-style whip making, creating high quality, elegant gear strong enough for rigorous use in an often harsh environment, crafting each item in the traditional manner to exacting standards, encompassing the true spirit of the Australian bush in the Science, Craft, and Art of Whip Making.
    "George & Sharron Taylor are partners in SKT Leather, with more than 50 years combined experience with plaiting and saddlery. Sharron is a proud member of the Australian Plaiters & Whipmakers Association and the Saddlers & Harness Makers Association of Australia, and they both honour their ideals." (Paraphrased from http://raretrades.blogspot.com.)
     "I could not say it better myself, because I have been using a pair of her 8-foot bullwhips for the last 20 years. These marched whips have been worked hard and gone around the world with me. While hundreds of whips have passed through my hands, there are only a few I will hold onto until the final curtain - and Sharron Taylor's are among them. She is one of the Greats."
      (R. Dante, four-time Guinness World Records holder, author of "Let's Get Cracking: The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills.")
     You can find out more about Sharron Taylor and SKT Leather at http://www.sktleather.com.au/
Gabby Hayes

        George “Gabby” Hayes was best known for being the bewhiskered sidekick of Roy Rogers, but he was also an ace with a bullwhip. He shared what he knew with the likes of “Whip” Wilson and Lash LaRue, generously helping others get a handle on their whip handling skills.

       He jokingly referred to a relative who was so good with a bullwhip that he could “throw a single grain of sand into the air and then cut it into four pieces!” “The Gabby Hayes Show” ran on TV from 1950 to 1954.
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