Peter Jack

     These are men and women who have pursued excellence, dedicating their lives to learning the secrets of the power inside the single-tailed whip, and then passing their knowledge on to the generations coming behind them. Like the Samurai swordmakers of old, these people are 'living treasures,' and fully deserve to be honored as such. Their works are found in sports, performing arts, martial arts, working tools, and worldwide in recreational hobbies. The finest whips are found in the finest collections. It is the magic of these artisans that makes all of this a Reality.
     We honor them for being vitally important co-creators of the Bullwhip Experience.

 Peter Jack 

    " I met Peter ("The Whip Man") Jack at a Wild West conference in Las Vegas many years ago. He'd come all the way from New Zealand, and he struck me as an approachable, affable, alert man with a high good humor and a faraway gaze. And boy, did he know his whips!
    " My Spidey Sense tingled, telling me that this man was an Artist. 
     "His video a few years later was eye-opening. I've followed his career, and no where in the world did I meet anyone who did not know about him or his whips, always in positive terms. 
     "The quality of his work has never faltered, even when making inexpensive learner stockwhips. He seemed to defy physics when he created the Zenith Whip, with the large square swirl of knots in the transition that was the smoothest and most powerful whip I've  ever cracked, with the least amount of effort. He promoted the martial arts use of whips in the Latigo y Daga school. And he has generously shared his wealth of knowledge and experience with the bullwhip artists, whip makers, and whip teachers of tomorrow."
     - R Dante -
          Peter Jack's website is at http://www.thewhipman.co.nz/


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